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8 Signs You Have Innate Psychic (Psi) Abilities

Often we hear of people share stories of how they’ve been gifted since as early as they can remember, but if that didn’t happen for you, does that mean you don’t have psychic abilities? The answer is no. Psychic or psi abilities can develop at any stage of life. Sometimes they are triggered by events or trauma, or by life changes, such as puberty or menopause.

For me, psychic abilities emerged when I was a teenager, but how do you know if you have innate psychic abilities? Below are 8 examples of ways you might identify if you have some abilities that can be further developed:

1. You think of someone and run into them later that day. Usually it’s someone you haven’t seen in years. Another example is that you order something that takes weeks to arrive. One day you think, “I wonder where that item is?” and it’s delivered that day. If it happens once, you might shrug it off as coincidence, but for some of us, it happens a lot.

2. You experience telephone telepathy. You think of someone and the phone rings and it’s them or right then a text message comes from them. Or the phone rings and you know who is calling before you even pick up the phone.

3. A specific thought comes to mind that turns out to have meaning. One example that happened to me is that my attention was brought to a specific part of my car, in this case the motorized radio antenna, something I wouldn’t notice at all usually. Then, a week later, it stopped working and needed to be repaired. It’s a fleeting thought that you shrug off, until it is later revealed that there was a reason your thoughts focused there.

4. You meet someone and immediately sense that they are having a tough time. Empaths frequently sense others’ feelings or state of mind - if you can do this, you definitely have an innate ability. You connect very quickly with the emotions or feelings of people, even those you have never met before.

5. You have a feeling that a loved one is around you. You might feel their presence, smell your mother’s perfume, or simply feel comforted and loved. Just the act of thinking of them often can trigger this sense, which is an indicator of mediumship abilities

6. You are sensitive to energy. When you walk into a room full of people, you feel the mixture of happy, sad, nervous, or excited energy around you. Certain people may feel as if they’re in your “personal space” more than others, even if they are further away. Or you can feel the electrical charge between two people that are “hitting it off” at a party.

7. Noise or crowds really start to bother you. All of a sudden, noises seem louder - you’re always turning down the TV or volume on your phone. When in a crowded place, you sense people closing in on you or you feel that you can’t breathe and need to move to a more open place to catch your breath.

8. Your dreams become more vivid or symbolic or you suddenly start remembering them. Dreams are our window into other dimensions. Vivid dreams or those loaded with symbolic meaning are one way we tune in. If you dream of items and places that are not normally found in your life, that is an important clue that you are developing your abilities. For example, dreaming of a giant silver bat, a white wolf, or a crystal temple may indicate an awakening of your psychic abilities. Start a dream journal and investigate the meanings of these symbols - you may be surprised at the messages they contain!

Once you identify even one of these experiences happening for you, then you can start working on enhancing that ability by using some fun ways to practice it! Are you experiencing any (or all) of these? Have you been practicing and trying to expand your abilities? Then it's time to find an intuition circle to start practicing and developing them!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!

Carol Pollio

Dr. Carol Pollio

Director, Intuitive Investigations

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