Are All Lighthouses Haunted? 5 Compelling Reasons They Might Be
During a recent (and wild) change-of-season rainstorm a thought came to mind - why do we believe all lighthouses are haunted? An...

7 Things Our Deceased Loved Ones Want Us to Know (Especially During the Holidays)
The holidays are often difficult for those of us who have lost someone close to us. I know the pain of losing someone at this time,...

Do Our Pets (in Spirit) Visit Us? My First Encounter with a Spirit Dog
One question I am often asked is, "Do pets cross over - can they visit us once they are gone?" I am happy to report that, yes, they do...

5 Tips to Record the Best EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena)
This time of year, everyone is “into” haunted houses, Halloween, and spirit/ghost communication. But many aren’t aware of the best way to...

7 Ways Modern Spirits Communicate With Us
Have you ever received a phone call from the dead? A text or email message from someone that has passed? Most everyone is familiar with...

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) - The 7 Most Common Spirit Responses
Haunting voices and whispered warnings seem to proliferate on T.V. ghost hunting shows. Electronic Voice Phenomena (or EVPs) that warn to...

Haunted National Parks - The Lighthouse Keeper's Ghost
Photo: Fort Washington (Credit: US Coast Guard) For this adventure, we will return to Fort Washington Park in Fort Washington, Maryland....

6 Ways "Modern" Spirits Communicate With Us
Have you ever received a phone call from the dead? A text or email message from someone that has passed? Most everyone is familiar with...

Henry, is that you? Results of an Impromptu Paranormal Investigation!
As I continue to explore haunted sites in the State of Delaware, one site that often stands out as notable is the Cannonball House in...