7 Surprising Things Scientists Have Learned About Near Death Experiences (NDEs)
Parapsychologists have been studying Near-Death-Experiences (NDEs) for many years, however, most of us aren’t familiar with what they’ve...

7 Things Our Deceased Loved Ones Want Us to Know (Especially During the Holidays)
The holidays are often difficult for those of us who have lost someone close to us. I know the pain of losing someone at this time,...

Do You Have "Telephone Telepathy"? How to Find Out!
If you’ve never heard of “telephone telepathy,” you’re not alone! But it’s likely that it’s happened to you, perhaps even more than once....

What Type of Intuitive (or Psychic) Are You?
We often talk about being intuitive as if there’s just one type of ability. But if parapsychology has shown us anything, it’s that psi...

Study Reveals Where Rapid-Access to Intuition Occurs in the Brain
An interesting study (Xiaohong Wan et al., 2011) reported that rapid-access intuition, where one has to make a split-second decision,...

8 Signs You Have Innate Psychic (Psi) Abilities
Often we hear of people share stories of how they’ve been gifted since as early as they can remember, but if that didn’t happen for you,...

6 Tools to Improve Your Psychic (psi) Abilities
There are many ways to practice psychic abilities, yet most of us find it challenging to find tools that help take our abilities to the...

Your Intuition is "Wrong" - Now What? Part II
Continuing on with our topic of what to do if your intuition is wrong, let's explore some reasons we might think it's wrong, even when it...

Your Intuition is "Wrong" - Now What? Part I
We've all had it happen - we get what we believe is a flash of intuitive information, act on it, and then watch it all "go south." What...

6 Famous People You Didn't Know Were Psychic
Many of us have heard about famous psychics, such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and perhaps even Harry Houdini. But there have been a...