The Witch's Tree & the Selbyville Swamp Monster
A few years ago, on Halloween, I wanted to do something different (and paranormal). I decided to visit the Witch's Tree in Whaleyville,...

Are All Lighthouses Haunted? 5 Compelling Reasons They Might Be
During a recent (and wild) change-of-season rainstorm a thought came to mind - why do we believe all lighthouses are haunted? An...

Why We Love Ghost Stories & Watch Horror Movies
Most everyone loves a great ghost or horror story. In fact, roughly 100 new horror movies are released every year – grossing more than $2...

What is a Psychopomp? (Shamanism)
In many cultures and mythology, a psychopomp is a person or being that assists souls in their transition to the other side. Most of us...

7 Things Our Deceased Loved Ones Want Us to Know (Especially During the Holidays)
The holidays are often difficult for those of us who have lost someone close to us. I know the pain of losing someone at this time,...

Do Our Pets (in Spirit) Visit Us? My First Encounter with a Spirit Dog
One question I am often asked is, "Do pets cross over - can they visit us once they are gone?" I am happy to report that, yes, they do...

5 Tips to Record the Best EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena)
This time of year, everyone is “into” haunted houses, Halloween, and spirit/ghost communication. But many aren’t aware of the best way to...

The 5 Spirits You're Most Likely to See
Not everyone gets to see a ghost (spirit, apparition) in his or her lifetime, but if you do, there are 5 times it’s most likely to...

7 Ways Modern Spirits Communicate With Us
Have you ever received a phone call from the dead? A text or email message from someone that has passed? Most everyone is familiar with...

What is PSI? The 5 Areas Parapsychologists Study Most
Parapsychologists use the term “psi” to describe all types of psychic phenomena. In addition to psi being the 23rd letter in the Greek...