Is Your Intuition Blocked?
I think we've all had a time or experience where we really wanted our intuition to kick in and give us guidance, but it seemed like no...

What Type of Intuitive (or Psychic) Are You?
We often talk about being intuitive as if there’s just one type of ability. But if parapsychology has shown us anything, it’s that psi...

How to Recognize Your Intuition: 10 Key Characteristics
In my experience, intuition can be challenging to identify, especially when you're just beginning your development process. Below I've...

Your Intuition is "Wrong" - Now What? Part II
Continuing on with our topic of what to do if your intuition is wrong, let's explore some reasons we might think it's wrong, even when it...

Your Intuition is "Wrong" - Now What? Part I
We've all had it happen - we get what we believe is a flash of intuitive information, act on it, and then watch it all "go south." What...

Is Meditation an Effective Exercise for Developing Your Intuition?
So many times I see lists of "intuition exercises" that include meditation. But is meditation really an exercise to improve your...

5 Things The Walking Dead Taught Me About Paranormal Investigation
Okay, I admit it, I'm a huge Walking Dead fan. I won't psychoanalyze that admission - just pure entertainment and perhaps a diversion or...

Where are the Hoggle (Turner) children?
As an Intuitive Investigator, it is essential to practice and hone one's skills. One way I do that is to focus energy on a cold case or...